Birmingham Child Custody Lawyer
Alabama Visitation and Fathers’ Rights
In Alabama, the courts recognize that parents have a fundamental right to a relationship with their children. They also recognize that children benefit from having relationships with both parents. As a result, fathers should have equal rights to custody and visitation rights, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. Men deserve to have an experienced lawyer on their side to protect those rights to their children.
At the Birmingham Men’s Law Firm, I have spent the last several years representing the interests of fathers and husbands in divorce and child custody cases throughout Alabama. In uncontested divorces, where clients have questions, or contested divorces, where disputes need to be resolved, it is always my goal to find the best resolution possible for clients and their children.
Birmingham Child Custody Attorney
Child custody may come in the form of shared responsibility (joint custody) as well as sole responsibility (sole custody). Custody includes both physical custody and legal custody, which talks about medical choices, education, religion and other decisions about the upbringing of a child or children.
Visitation rights also outline the rights of non-custodial parents in custody. While joint custody is often preferred in Alabama divorce, in the event that one parent is unfit, sole custody may be awarded to the other parent.
Your children are the most important aspect of your life. Take the time to speak with a lawyer about how to protect them in a divorce.
Talk With a Lawyer and Protect Your Children
Find out more about child custody and visitation in Alabama, contact my office at 205-581-9790 to schedule a free initial consultation.
Office location
Gregory C. Starkey, Attorney at Law
2016 10th Ave South, Suite 101 Birmingham, AL 35205
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